About Big DahliasBig Dahlias was founded by Graphic Artist, Cale Burr. He grew up around dahlias. His parents have been growing them every summer since the mid 1960's. However, it wasn't until Cale was old enough to own a BB gun that he really took any interest at all in these flowers. He found the blooms (and later the bees that landed on the blooms) useful for target practice. His relationship with dahlias has progressed since being a 12 year old boy. Over the years he's grown to appreciate them for their beauty and finds the large and giant varieties particulaly desirable. Yeah, he really likes the big dahlias. Convinced that the world is a better place with them, rather than without them, he began his quest to share the love of growing dahlias with others. And so began Big Dahlias. Cale still occationally shoots that same BB gun, just not at these amazing flowers anymore. | Payment MethodsBig Dahlias accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express at bigdahlias.com via PayPal. Online payment is strongly encouraged, however, we will accept checks made out to "Big Dahlias." For reasons of stock inventory verification, the order must be approved first via email or by phone.
GuaranteeBig Dahlias guarantees our dahlia tubers. Sometimes the tubers just don't grow. We understand this is frustrating. It is to us too. If you are unsatisfied with a tuber from Big Dahlias, return the tuber, and a written request within 5 months of the tuber's shipping date. Or, as an alternative to mailing the unsatisfactory tuber, you may also take a photograph of the tuber. The photograph must clearly show the writing on the tuber. Email photographs to us at cale@bigdahlias.com. We require this for tracking and quality control reasons. We will happily refund your money for the tuber if a replacement tuber is not available. (Shipping will not be refunded.) Guarantee does not cover plant failure caused by rodents or insects. Guarantee does not apply to tubers shipped earlier than March 21st, due to the increased possibility of exposure to freezing temperatures. Mail returned tubers / guarantee requests to: Big Dahlias | How To OrderPurchase dahlia tubers directly through the Big Dahlias online store on this website. We do not produce a price list or a printable order form. Prices are listed on the detail page for each dahlia variety. Shipping To USA OnlyBig Dahlias only ships dahlia tubers within the USA. We are not set up at this time to ship internationally. Shipping Rates1 to 3 tubers = $11.00 Shipping MethodUSPS Priority. Customers will be provided with tracking information when the order ships. Ordering DatesBig Dahlias begins taking orders for dahlia tubers late November / early December before each growing season. Sales continue through mid June or until stock is depleted. Shipping DatesBig Dahlias will ship dahlia tuber orders beginning late March through mid June. Requests for earlier ship dates can be accommodated, however due to the increased danger of possible exposure to freezing temperatures, shipment earlier than March 21st does void the Big Dahlias replacement / refund guarantee (unless special arrangements are made ahead of time for shipping in an insulated box at additional cost). |